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HTML/CSS. How to create vertical and horizontal menu

Chris Diaz March 13, 2020
Rating: 3.7/5. From 37 votes.
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This tutorial will show you how to create a vertical and horizontal menus in HTML using CSS styles. Before you proceed please make sure you are familiar with unordered list HTML tags. Also please check the tutorial on how to create a menu in HTML.

Ok, first of all create an HTML menu using the unordered list:

Then you need to create new CSS file and attach it to the HTML page:


Make sure you put the CSS attachement code into the tag of your html page.

You can also use the inline styles.


As a result you shou have the following HTMl code:


The unordered list has it’s own styles so without any additional changes you have a vertical menu.

As for the horizontal menu you need to perform some changes in HTML and CSS.

First of all add new class to the list, replace


      Now in the CSS file let’s make the menu horizontal. The unordered list has margin and padding values assigned by default. we need to clear them:


      Then make your list items display horizontally:

      ul.horizontal li{
      padding:0 10px;

      We added the horizontal padding value to the list items to make then not stick to each other. Now your menu is ready, assign links, add some fancy colors and background and your are good to go.

      Zemez Responsive Navbar JavaScript

      Zemez Responsive Navbar JavaScript.

      Demo | Download

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      More features:

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      • Round-the-clock support
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