6 months of support
With a product you will get 6 months of support from the author. To know more about what is included, please read the support policy.
480k Items |
Commercial Use
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Why do we want pets? - They are friends who love us unconditionally, and who look up to us. They give us pleasure. Their presence brings us closer to others with similar likes. Choosing this theme, you`ll start an online pet care and supplies store. This is a responsive eCommerce solution that includes 4 ready-made layouts with quality design and many other useful elements and features. Multilingual and multi-currency blocks are there to help you to reach a wider audience. Your customers will be able to make a list of desired products and compare them with each other. Try a live demo and make sure it's a great solution for your pets store.
4 Reviews for this product
Georgian Petre
Never worked. Everything I tried doing broke the site. Ended up paying 223 $ for install, premium support and template, and it was a HUGE waste of money. Never worked. Cut my losses and switched to Wordpress since. All this experience felt like a scam.
Arkadiusz Wasiak
Szablon jest w pełni responsywny i wygląda ładnie pod względem graficznym. Jeden z najlepszych szablonów. Nowoczesna budowa, przejrzyste menu, dopasowany i dynamiczny slider powodujący, że strona jest żywa. Łatwa nawigacja i intuicyjna edycja elementów sprawia, że bardzo szybko można dostosować stronę oraz moduły do swoich potrzeb. Polecam szablon wszystkim ze względu na futurystyczny wygląd i kilkanaście dostępnych motywów. Prosta oraz intuicyjna nawigacje po stronie.
Владимир Елманов
Очень красивая тема, требует доработки для рынка Украины, нам очень нравиться.
Michał Parucki
Szablon everest jestbardzo dobry, wszystko działa jak należy. Moduły bardzo użyteczne. Wszystko bardzo proste do konfiguracji oraz instalacji. Nie mówiąc już o dostępnej dokumentacji technicznej szablonu, wszystko przejrzyście opisane i łatwe do zrozumienia. Pomoc techniczna bardzo pomocna i szybko reaguje na zaistniałe problemy. Polecam wszystkim ten szablon na pewno się nie zawiedziecie na tym szablonie.
1 Comments for this product
Georgian Petre
Never worked. Everything I tried doing broke the site. Ended up paying 223 $ for install, premium support and template, and it was a HUGE waste of money. Never worked. Cut my losses and switched to Wordpress since. All this experience felt like a scam.
We regret that you faced difficulties with the template, but we can assure you that it is fully functional. As we can see, the purchase was done back in 2019 so we hope you had a chance to check the latest version of the template. The latest version can be downloaded in your account anytime. We are not quite sure what problems exactly you had with the template, but we are always happy to assist. Please do not hesitate to contact our support team if you have any questions!
Georgian Petre
Even if it has no use to me now, i downloaded and installed prestashop and eveprest pets again, and it's still crashing when you try to activate the theme. I repeat. 223$ down the drain. Since 2019 I'm using wordpress on several websites without a problem, so no, it's not me. I bought, installed and I'm using The 7, Avada, Divi, and several other themes. There's no excuse for this, and I'm guessing that your advantage is that people grow tired of writing they're experiences and just move on without saying anything or they simply pay and pay.
Thank you for your response! We would like to remind you that you get 6 months of free support included in your purchase. So you can contact us if you have any difficulties with your theme installation. Our techs will be glad to check it for you :) Besides, you can prolong support if it is expired. We would be more than happy to assist you if you contact us via the ticket system in your Templateog体育首页 account. Thank you so much for your attention and participation!
Support rating (276 ratings)
This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product.
5 201
4 12
3 6
2 6
1 51
Response Time:
This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.