Sa - Minimalist Shopify Theme

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shoppingBag Sales: 19

Created: Jun 25, 2018

Updated: Nov 13, 2022

ID: 70161

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Sa - Minimalist eCommerce Shopify Theme is a minimal styled theme for eCommerce stores. The minimal and clean design is absolutely perfect for online fashion and accessories stores. The design is optimized to work on all devices, along with mobile devices. In fact, Sa Shopify theme has a quite appealing and impressive design as well.

Actually, Sa eCommerce Shopify Theme is built based on Bootstrap 3 using powerful Shopify Sections. You can drag and drop every element without having any coding knowledge. Try it out with one click of demo installation and get three Homepage variants for your minimalist store.

The complete customization is on your hand and it ensures a fantastic store. Additionally, you will be able to customize your design and style effortlessly. You will get a full set of incredible features that integrates things like Sticky Header, Mega Menu, Nivo Slider, Tab with Product, Related Product, Banner, Breadcrumb Banner, Newsletter with or without Popup, Wishlist, Ajax Cart, Cart Drop-down, Preloader, contact Information, Contact Map (Google Map API), Contact Form, and Shortcodes. The theme is fully loaded with tremendous functionality. Easily build a profit-oriented web store.

Sa Shopify theme is focused on selling and trades. This is the perfect place to showcase the simple products, new arrivals, and related video. Even a unique blog section is added to build trust in your customers’ mind. Besides this, a quick product view is also available for a sneak peek without leaving the current page.

Try this modern looking and perfectly performing theme. Sa - Minimalist eCommerce Shopify Theme is cross-browser compatible, and as well as, integrated with social media. This Shopify theme comes with a documentation that allows you to understand how it functions and helps to make several changes.

Note: Images are not Included


Date: 16 August 2022 Version: 2.0.6

Fixed: Slider Fixed: Footer

Date: 10 July 2021 Version: 2.0.5

Updated: Wishlit updated Updated: Presets Updated: jQuery Version Fixed: Css issue Fixed: Currency Issue

Date: 24-04-2021 Version: 2.0.4

Improved: Password page

Date: 10-11-2020 Version: 2.0.3

Fixed: Product variant issue Added: Dynamic checkout button on product page

Date: 12-01-2019 Version: 2.0.2

  1. Modify: Product description

Date: 27-11-2018 Version: 2.0.1

Added: 1. Custom Content Section 2. Custom HTML Section 3. Custom Page Section 4. Rich Text Section 5. Video Banner Section

1 Reviews for this product

it is quite simple as a design and easy to set. I like this template.

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